went to the holly wood bowl jazz fest

I went to the holly wood bowl jazz fest and it was super fun there was food and drinks. And most of all really good music. Most of my family went. Also, my mom designed the merch and posters.


Origin of pretty food

It started at my bubbies house. ( bubbie is Yiddish for grandma.) my cousin Mo and I were watching a movie and paused it because we wanted dessert. we looked in the freezer and saw flan and chocolate lava cake. I took the flan he took the cake and everything was great... Except that the dessert was UGLY. So Mo and told bubbie that we were leaving. “don’t go out for too long and think you can finish this movie”bubbie said “ok, see you in a sec” we said. It was dark by then so we took a flash light. We had no shoes on, just our PJS. We started to run to Our uncles house who lived by the patch of mint were looking for. we filled our little container to the brim. We took the short cut home. When we finally got back home we were out of breath. We cut up some bananas and and whipped up some whipped cream and some chocolate sauce, when we were done our food was finally pretty. it was pretty food.


I wish i still had the photo of the finished product but thats beside the point. After many times making the ugly pretty we turned it into a business. And now we finally bring it to you.

concert coming up

Do you know how I do drums? well, there is a concert on Feb 4…

THAT I AM IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So wish me luck!

pretty food

Hey guys, I know I have not posted in a while. I wanted to tell you that my cousin and I are working on a new buisness I’ll tell you when It’s done


Due to a bad bungee jumping experience, luna has had two operations and three more coming up one leg brace and one fake bone that will be replaced soon. Luna was never that strong, in fact, she is pretty easy to hurt. She was really swinging around up there. She broke a few bones but she is fine. Luna said, and I quote “ If I am going to do all of this hospital business I want a post on It". The doctors said no photos during the operation but we could do whatever kind of photos we want after we left.

The Time Bomb: pets

You know those ticking time bombs from the movies? Well that is having a pet. You love them so much and then the bomb goes off. My old cat, Luda, was having trouble breathing and we had to put him down. He was 19 and had a good long life. I had a cat named Couscous and recently I was just talking to my cousin when they told me. Curse those coyotes. Here are some photos of them, Couscous is the siamese and Luda is the black cat.

This is an old photo of luda.

Cousi on my mamas new rug

Happy Easter and Passover!

Happy easter! today my co host is beani, she is a hacky sack, but us stuffed animals took her in. She is from the zoo. She loves easter and passover, finding stuff is kind of her thing. So the hunt for the eggs on easter and the afikomen is her JAM. Today I only had time for the easter shoot. I had a fur styling appointment that had been postponed and I had been waiting FOREVER for it. By the way this is my favorite skirt. I think the colors go perfectly with my fur. Also thank you for reading bye.

Names please???

Hi, you know that movie I was talking about well I need HELP. I might need a new name. So I am asking for it (help). Can any of you comment a name? It’s about a race, a running race. Thanks!!!


Just when covid was going away… A NEW VARIANT! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHH. At least there is a vaccine. I am getting my second dose tomorrow. I do not like vaccines but the anticipation is worse then the actual thing. I HATE needles. Anyway it’s less deadly now. So ya. Byeeeeeeeeee!


From Mamas Head

Sup, I am writing a new book called From Mamas Head! It has a bunch of stories in it.

Finish line

Hi guys! My new movie coming soon. It’s about a race . Trailer’s coming soon. I know last time I said coming soon (or upcoming) but it took me a year to actually even think about it, but it’s all in progress. It’s a movie so it’s gonna take a little while. But I will be putting the trailer on my video section once I finish making it, I just have to think about stuff a little bit. Have a great winter! Ida out!

Up coming!!!

there is going to be cat nip comix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!